Planning and control of payments from customers, viewing the dynamics of cash receipts and tracking delays.
Widget advantages
That is why our clients and partners love and choose Payer:
Widget advantages
That is why our clients and partners love and choose Payer:
  • 1
    Accounting of income and expenses
    Adding income and expense payments.The widget calculates the profit in the transaction and notifies about the approaching payment.
  • 2
    Structuring payments
    All payments are tracked within a single lead. All payment details are always available in the contact's and company's card.
  • 3
    Payment calendar
    View data for all employees or a specific manager in Kommo Analytics. Checking the dynamics of payments according to the schedule.
  • 4
    Exporting payments
    Setting up the fields that are uploaded during export, with which you can structure all the necessary transaction data.
Payer cost
Depends on the renewal period and the number of users in your Kommo account.
Payer cost
Depends on the renewal period and the number of users in your Kommo account.
Installation advice and assistance
Leave a request and we will help you set up the widget or answer any of your questions.