Document generation
Saves time when drafting standard documents
using ready-made templates.
Widget advantages
That is why our clients and partners love and choose Dokker:
Widget advantages
That is why our clients and partners love and choose Dokker:
  • 1
    Docflow automation
    Drafting contracts, acts, commercial proposals, sending documents to clients, partners and colleagues.
  • 2
    Integration with Google Drive
    All documents and templates are automatically saved to your Google Drive without taking up space in Kommo.
  • 3
    Reducing managers' mistakes
    No more manual entry of information - all data from the fields are automatically pulled into the document.
  • 4
    Easy document editor
    All edits take place in the Google Docs editor, a simple interface allows you to avoid errors when working.
Dokker cost
Depends on the renewal period and the number of users in your Kommo account.
Dokker cost
Depends on the renewal period and the number of users in your Kommo account.
Installation advice and assistance
Leave a request and we will help you set up the widget or answer any of your questions.